My Sustainabilities


This sustainability swap, a concept I conceived, is centered on everyday sustainability. I created a tool that educates people about the advantages of eco-friendly products, identifies items in their homes that can be replaced, and suggests suitable alternatives. This way, they can save money and lessen their waste.


The sustainability movement is gaining momentum, yet many people are unsure of where to start. When they do start, they are often overwhelmed by the multitude of options. They may not understand the purpose of these products, why they are superior to what they've been using, or why they are more expensive. Consequently, they revert to their old habits.

πŸ‘‰ The variety of sustainable products available can be overwhelming, and without understanding the benefits of these products, their higher cost compared to traditional alternatives can be off-putting.


Design an app that not only sells products but also educates users about sustainable alternatives. The app highlights the benefits of reusable items, both for the environment and users' finances.

πŸš€ Promote the use of reusable items by emphasizing their benefits for the environment and the personal finances of users.


I conducted a preliminary study on the proportion of people struggling to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. This research helped formulate questions for user interviews. Most participants felt overwhelmed and unsure about where to begin their sustainability journey, yet they did not actively seek information. The feedback from this research indicated that users would be more inclined to eliminate single-use items if they had access to an easy-to-use tool for guidance.

User Research

Initial research shows that adopting a sustainable lifestyle can be difficult for people. They often feel overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin. Yet, if they had an easy-to-use guide, they're more likely to stop using single-use items. An audit of similar products shows where our sustainability app can fill gaps and seize opportunities.


I conducted a brief ideation exercise to generate ideas for addressing the gaps identified in the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on the checklist for single-use alternatives and saved blog posts.

Wireframes & Prototypes

After brainstorming and sketching out some paper wireframes, I developed the initial designs for the Sustainability app. These designs focused on providing users with a personalized swap goal checklist to help them gradually eliminate single-use plastics. I prepared a low-fidelity prototype for usability testing, which illustrates the user flow of the onboarding process that generates this checklist.

Usability Study

I've carried out a usability study with four participants, each session lasting between 15 to 20 minutes. The findings from this study revealed a user interest in the addition of blog posts and a goal tracker as visual features.

Major Design Interactions

Iteration 1: Buttons, Buttons, Buttons

Based on insights from usability studies, I implemented design changes such as adding a clear button to the checklist. This allows users to add more goals throughout their journey.

Iteration 2: Streamlining the display

The design alterations not only improved the overall user experience but also included a more streamlined and cleaner display of optional swap items. The new design successfully guides new users through the selection and swapping of optional items, making the process more intuitive and user-friendly.

Iteration 3: Enhancing User Experience and Aesthetics

Providing users with the option to log in using their email was a key priority, as it streamlines the account creation process and enhances accessibility.

Web Design


Upon completing the app designs, I transitioned to crafting the responsive website. To ensure consistency and coherence across all platforms, I relied on the sustainability app's site map to shape the organizational structure of each screen's design. This strategic approach not only facilitated a seamless user experience but also upheld a cohesive brand identity throughout the digital ecosystem.

Responsive designs

The screen variations encompassed mobile, tablet, and desktop styles. I tailored each design to meet the specific requirements and nuances of each device and screen size. This involved optimizing layouts, adjusting elements for usability, and ensuring a seamless user experience across all platforms.

Final Design

πŸ“±View the Prototype

Product Successes πŸŽ‰

Users shared that the app made switching to sustainable options seem like something they could actually understand how to do.

Quote from peer feedback:

β€œThis sustainability app can really help people make those steps to living better and making the planet better. Even if they are small steps."

What I Learned 🌿

Although the problem I aimed to solve was substantial, I found that adhering to each phase of the design process and focusing on specific user needs enabled me to generate ideas that were both practical and valuable.

Next Steps


Next Gen Climate Summit